Use "acquired wisdom|acquire wisdom" in a sentence

1. He also urged: “Acquire wisdom . . .


3. Such acquired wisdom can result in happiness.

4. Strive to acquire not just knowledge but wisdom and understanding.

5. She had acquired much wisdom during her long life.

6. They allow him or her to acquire practical wisdom, experience, and insight.


8. 16 What good is it that the stupid one has the means to acquire wisdom

9. Wisdom aries out of vexation, and vexation dissolves in wisdom.

10. In addition to Jem's newly developed characteristics , he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom.

11. That’s good wisdom which is wisdom in the end. 

12. The Bible, however, urges us not only to love knowledge but also to acquire wisdom and understanding.

13. Instinctive wisdom indeed!

14. Additionally, an inordinate accumulation of material possessions can consume the time needed to acquire a heart of wisdom.

15. Wisdom From Above

16. Wisdom That Protects

17. Years bring wisdom.

18. (Isaiah 55:9; Micah 4:1) Jehovah’s wisdom is “the wisdom from above.”

19. 9 Wisdom That Protects

20. Wisdom of tha ancients

21. Wisdom is our hammer.

22. You possess wisdom now.

23. Bible Teachings —Timeless Wisdom

24. Much thinking yields wisdom.

25. My wisdom tooth hurts.

26. Wisdom Biorhythm: The wisdom cycle is derived from the emotional and intellectual Biorhythm data

27. Apothegm : Proverbs are potted wisdom

28. 12 Divine Wisdom for Life

29. * See also Truth; Understanding; Wisdom


31. “Wisdom Along With an Inheritance”

32. Boldness takes wisdom and discernment

33. Advantage of wisdom (11, 12)

34. The Instinctive Wisdom of Animals

35. □ What is heavenly wisdom like?

36. * See also Knowledge; Truth; Wisdom

37. Wisdom brings happiness (13-18)

38. to suffer for one's wisdom.

39. Without wisdom wealth is worthless.

40. Avoid Trusting in Worldly Wisdom

41. “Wisdom Is for a Protection”

42. But how valuable wisdom is!

43. Wisdom... justice... fortitude... and temperance.

44. He rejects* all practical wisdom.

45. 4 Bible Teachings —Timeless Wisdom

46. Your wisdom revealed so brilliantly.

47. Gain Wisdom and Accept Discipline

48. Grade Six Wisdom Homework Help.

49. Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

50. 16 No wisdom like silence.

51. They impart wisdom, morals, history.

52. I cot a wisdom tooth.

53. I was eager to help others to see the difference between human wisdom and godly wisdom.

54. Stupidity refuses to listen when wisdom speaks. Intelligence listens attentively when wisdom speaks. Dr T.P.Chia 

55. Cantankerous Wisdom: Dinosaurs Running Your Pumps.

56. Yet Acquainting my heart with wisdom

57. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline.

58. 18 Do You “Safeguard Practical Wisdom”?

59. The Wisdom of the Greater Solomon

60. She was the incarnation of wisdom.

61. A New Dimension of Divine Wisdom

62. Raising Adolescents —The Role of Wisdom

63. How can wisdom benefit a marriage?

64. Jehovah’s teaching gives us “practical wisdom.”

65. Who Put Wisdom in the Clouds?

66. + And my wisdom remained with me.

67. Wisdom teeth are another vestigial remnant.

68. She's having her wisdom teeth out.

69. How would you describe heavenly wisdom?

70. Wisdom is more precious than wealth.

71. 2 To learn* wisdom+ and discipline;

72. “Wisdom Is With the Modest Ones”

73. 3 In buddhism they symbolise wisdom.

74. When does wisdom tooth unplug best?

75. I'm having my wisdom teeth extracted.

76. See also: Conventional, wisdom the received wisdom Common knowledge that is held to be true, but may not be

77. Personified wisdom calls itself a master worker.

78. 3 The foremost benefit is true wisdom.

79. Why does godly wisdom lead to happiness?

80. The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible.